Dental implants are a popular choice to replace missing teeth. They create a natural look, so your new teeth are indistinguishable from your natural teeth. In addition, an implant has a root portion that is set directly into the jawbone. The root portion helps keep the tooth stationary and also helps keep the jawbone from deteriorating over time.

Are Implants Right for Me?

Before you decide on dental implants, you’ll consult with an implant dentist to determine if implants are the right choice for replacing your missing teeth. Your dentist will evaluate several factors to be sure you have a high likelihood of a successful procedure. These factors include:

  • Your overall general health
  • Whether you are a smoker
  • The health of your gums
  • The condition of your jawbone

All these factors can affect your ability to recover after implant surgery. In some cases, issues that might cause a problem with your eventual healing can be corrected before your implant surgery.

Getting Ready for Implants

During your implant consultation, you’ll discuss what you might need to have done before your surgery. This could include treatment for gum disease or bone grafts to shore up the strength of your jaw to support the implants. If you are a smoker, smoking cessation at least a few weeks before surgery can increase the likelihood of successful recovery.

If you require bone grafts before your implants, you’ll have a healing interval during which the bone graft heals and bonds to your jawbone. This could take a few weeks. After the bone grafts have healed sufficiently, your implants can be put into place. The root portions, which are made of titanium, might also require a healing interval to bond with the jawbone before the final prosthetic tooth or teeth are put into place.

To find out how dental implants can restore your smile, and what you might need to do to prepare for successful implant surgery, please contact the office of Dr. Nicholas Kemp to schedule a consultation. Call 416-922-1012 today.