crowns Toronto

How is a bridge prepared?

A bridge is used to replace one or two teeth, anchoring the prosthetic teeth by attaching them to crowns. The crowns are placed on adjacent teeth and require those teeth to be restructured to make room for them. Bridges can also be anchored with wires. Preparing Your Mouth for a Bridge If your dentist recommends…

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implant dentist Yorkville

Do dental implants interfere with jawbone growth?

Dental implants are the most natural-looking and -feeling option to replace missing teeth. In addition, implants help maintain the growth of your jawbone by stimulating the tissue to regenerate. If you have missing teeth, talk to an implant dentist about how implants can help you maintain your jawbone. How Implants Work Unlike other tooth replacement…

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How can misshapen teeth be improved?

If you have misshapen or asymmetrical teeth, it can detract from the overall look of your smile. Correcting this type of problem is usually fairly simple. If you are concerned with the way your teeth look, consult with a cosmetic dentist to determine the best options for treatment. Causes of Misshapen Teeth Teeth can emerge…

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dark spot on teeth

Tooth discoloration after trauma

A common cause of a dark spot on teeth is trauma or injury to the tooth. If you notice staining or dark spots on your tooth after it has been injured, you should see the dentist as soon as possible. This type of discoloration can indicate damage to the tooth’s interior. Why Would My Tooth…

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dental implants Yorkville

Receding Gums: Are dental implants still an option?

The success of dental implants depends upon healthy gums. Your gums support the new tooth roots and ensure your new teeth remain stationary. However, if you have minor gum disease or the beginnings of receding gums, it is possible to have dental implants if your gum disease is treated before the implants are placed. What…

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dark spot on teeth

Veneers: A versatile cosmetic treatment option

If you have a dark spot on a tooth or any other form of discoloration that makes you self-conscious about your smile, veneers can be an excellent treatment option. Veneers are minimally invasive and give you a completely natural look. How Veneers Work Cosmetic veneers are very thin porcelain shells, about the thickness of a…

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cosmetic dentist Toronto

What is a “smile analysis”?

A smile analysis is a process by which a cosmetic dentist determines the best combination of procedures to correct problems with your smile. He’ll evaluate your teeth—their color, alignment, and any damage they might have experienced—and recommend a course of treatment. Evaluating Your Smile If you’re unhappy with your smile and wish to have cosmetic…

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dentist Toronto

A well balanced diet helps keep teeth bright and healthy

Keeping your teeth healthy begins with at-home care and regular visits to the dentist, but it doesn’t end there. Maintaining your overall health with a good diet also contributes to a bright, beautiful smile. How Does My Diet Affect My Teeth? A healthy diet contributes to more than your overall health. What you eat can…

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dental implants Toronto

Are dental implants really an investment?

Dental implants are not only the best choice for tooth replacement, but they are also a long-term investment into your overall health. Implants can help you maintain a healthy diet, prevent jawbone atrophy, and reduce the risk of additional tooth loss. How Can Dental Implants Help My Overall Health? The loss of a tooth or…

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Useful tips for clean and white teeth

Keeping your teeth clean and healthy can help ensure that you’re confident about your smile and about how to present yourself to other people. A bright smile makes a good first impression, and if you’re concerned about how your teeth look, your smile might not convey the confidence you want to convey. Regular dental hygiene,…

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I am not experiencing pain – could I still have dental problems?

In the field of dentistry, there are a number of problems you can develop that do not immediately cause pain or have easily visible symptoms. In fact, many oral health issues don’t display symptoms until they’ve become fairly serious. To keep these types of problems from developing into an emergency, be sure to visit your…

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Why choose a veneer instead of a replacement crown?

The techniques used in cosmetic dentistry have changed and improved over the last several decades. One development is the use of cosmetic veneers, often used in place of cosmetic crowns. Using a veneer is much less invasive than a crown, and provides excellent, long-lasting results. What Can Be Treated with Veneers? The versatility of veneers…

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Preventive Dentistry: Your First Line of Defense for a Healthy Smile

Keeping your teeth healthy through preventive dentistry helps keep your smile bright and cavity-free. Seeing your dentist regularly is part of a good preventive routine, but diligent at-home care is vital. Preventive Dentistry Regular visits to the dentist help ensure that any problems you might have with your teeth are diagnosed before they become serious.…

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Tooth whitening: How long will it last?

Dental stain or tooth discoloration can mar your appearance. Teeth whitening provided through your dentist can update and enhance your smile making this improvement easily obtained and very often an economical procedure. Acquiring teeth whitening through your cosmetic dentist has many advantages over purchasing teeth whitening products at your local store or online. An initial…

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Bone health and dental health: Is there a connection?

The health of your bones, especially those in your jaws, is vital to keeping your teeth healthy and secure. Problems with the bones, such as osteoporosis, which is fairly common in older people, can lead to tooth loss. If you are worried about osteoporosis or how other issues with bone health could affect your teeth,…

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Treatment options to strengthen weak enamel (veneers)

Healthy enamel is the hardest substance in the human body. Sometimes, though, it doesn’t develop properly, or is weakened by exposure to acidic foods. Weakened enamel requires special treatment to keep your teeth sound and healthy. One common treatment for weak or improperly formed enamel is dental veneers. Causes of Weak Enamel Weak enamel can…

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When is a Bridge Necessary?

When you have lost one or two adjacent teeth, a bridge is a common option for replacement. A bridge consists of one or two prosthetic teeth anchored to an adjacent tooth or teeth with crowns or wires. It is a permanent tooth replacement, but bridges do not include an artificial tooth root. Replacing Lost Teeth…

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Enhance your smile with cosmetic dentistry

Problems with your teeth can greatly reduce your self-confidence. Whether you have black spots on your teeth, gaps, surface damage, or other issues, cosmetic dentistry can help. With your smile restored to perfection, you never have to be self-conscious about your teeth again. How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Help Me? Cosmetic dentistry is specifically designed to…

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Understanding dental anxiety

Many people suffer from dental anxiety. For those who don’t, it’s hard to understand how the thought of going to the dentist can bring on panic attacks. But for those who have avoided dental work for years because of this intense anxiety, sedation dentistry offers a solution. Causes of Dental Anxiety Dental anxiety usually occurs…

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Dental Veneers: A Custom Cosmetic Dentistry Solution

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry, it’s important to have a solution that’s tailored to meet your exact needs. Whether you have a dark spot on a tooth, small gaps between your teeth, or heavy staining, dental veneers can make a dramatic dentist. Uses for Dental Veneers Dental veneers are one of the most versatile…

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What Signs and Symptoms Are Associated with an Impacted Tooth?

An impacted tooth can be very uncomfortable and should be evaluated by a dentist to determine the appropriate treatment. If not properly and promptly treated, an impacted tooth can lead to infection elsewhere in the mouth or even in the jawbone or sinuses. Symptoms of an Impacted Tooth If a tooth is impacted, it means…

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Tips to Ensure a Successful Dental Implant Recovery

Following the loss of one or more permanent teeth, you may have concerns you will never be able to resume eating and speaking the way you once did. Dental implants allow you to eat the foods you love, speak without hesitation, and smile with the self-confidence you enjoyed before tooth loss. A consultation with your…

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Athletic Mouth Guards

If you are involved in any type of athletic activity, you will have additional challenges to maintain your dental health. To prevent trauma and damage to your teeth while you’re competing, it’s important to wear a mouth guard. Why Is a Mouth Guard Important? Contact sports, as well as other athletic endeavors, can put your…

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Dental Myths that Could Be Damaging Your Teeth

Could you be damaging your teeth unknowingly? It’s true; many common behaviors are actually dangerous to your dental health. Even though oral healthcare is more accessible than ever before, many people cling to false notions about what is healthy for teeth and gums and what isn’t. In addition to receiving regular cleanings and checkups from…

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Aesthetic Dental Transformations

If there’s anything about your smile you don’t like, you can transform it with a visit to our cosmetic dentist. You might want one simple procedure or a combination of procedures to address several issues. Whatever you choose, you’ll be able to restore your confidence in your appearance with a makeover of your smile. Choosing…

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What Types of Dental Crowns Are Available?

Dental crowns are used for several types of restorations and occasionally for cosmetic purposes. If your dentist indicates you need a crown, there are several options to choose from. The type of crown you choose depends upon the purpose of the crown and its location in your mouth. Types of Dental Crowns At one time,…

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What Causes White Spots on My Teeth?

We all know dark spots can be a problem on the teeth, sometimes indicating decay has begun. However, white spots occur fairly frequently as well. This type of discoloration can also indicate problems with the enamel and even be a sign of decay. If you have white spots on your teeth, you should have them…

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What Factors Contribute to Long-Term Success of Dental Implants?

If you have missing teeth, the best option to replace them is dental implants. Implants look and feel natural, and will last for many years if properly cared for. Diligent oral care will help ensure your implants remain healthy well into the future. Success of the Dental Implant Our dentist will assess your eligibility for…

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How Long Do Teeth Whitening Results Last?

Teeth whitening is a simple, safe way to transform the look of your smile. A single treatment can provide dramatic results. Results will last for a year or more, or longer if you have occasional touch-up treatments. Teeth Whitening and How It Works Whitening treatment is administered in the office of your cosmetic dentist. A…

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Improve Smile Symmetry: Treatment Options

An asymmetrical smile can result when teeth are not the same size or are not consistently shaped. Your teeth can look off-balance, making your smile uneven. Veneers can help give your teeth a more consistent, symmetrical look. The Importance of Smile Symmetry If both sides of your smile are drastically different, this is referred to…

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Whiten Discolored Teeth with Veneers

Discoloration on the surfaces of the teeth can often be treated with teeth whitening. However, certain types of staining don’t respond to whitening treatment. If your teeth are severely stained, veneers can restore your white, perfect smile. Types of Tooth Discoloration Teeth can be discolored in one of two ways—either intrinsically or extrinsically. Extrinsic staining…

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Sedation Dentistry: Will I Remember Anything?

Sedation dentistry can help you feel comfortable in the dental chair whether you’re having a regular cleaning, complex restorations, oral surgery, or even a tooth extraction. Sedation will not affect your ability to remember your experience, but will help you remain relaxed and calm. Effects of Sedation When you are sedated, you’ll be conscious and…

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Do Dental Crowns Require Special Care?

Dental crowns are a very durable type of restoration. With proper care, they will last a long time, although a metal crown is generally more durable than a porcelain or porcelain bonded crown. Most crowns don’t require special care, but you can ensure they’ll last longer by taking certain precautions. Types of Crowns There are…

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How to Avoid Bad Breath

Bad breath is a very common problem, but that doesn’t keep us from feeling embarrassed about it when it happens to us. In most cases, diligent dental care will keep bad breath at bay. However, if your bad breath proves persistent or particularly offensive, you can turn to your dentist for help. Causes of Bad…

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What Does a Dental Implant Procedure Involve?

Dental implants are a popular choice for tooth replacement because they are natural looking, long-lasting, and versatile. The procedure to have implants placed can be somewhat complicated, and can take several months to complete depending upon your individual needs. Dental Implant Procedure—The Basics A dental implant is generally placed in two stages. First, the implant’s…

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What Is the Difference Between Tooth Erosion and Tooth Decay?

Tooth erosion and tooth decay both cause damage to the teeth, but the damage done is of different types. They also have different causes. Both can result in serious long-term damage if they are not treated. Your dentist can help diagnose tooth erosion or tooth decay and provide treatment to prevent tooth loss. What is…

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What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is a common problem in dentistry. It can occur due to a variety of issues, some of which are more serious than others. If you are experiencing extreme sensitivity in your teeth, it might be a symptom of a major problem that needs immediate attention from your dentist. Causes of Tooth Sensitivity Sensitivity…

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Treatment Options to Close Spaces Between Teeth

Spaces between your teeth—even small ones—can detract from your appearance. If you have minor gaps in your smile, you might not require orthodontic treatment. Cosmetic veneers can fill these small gaps and give you a perfect smile. Choosing Veneers Porcelain veneers are a relatively simple and versatile treatment for various surface imperfections. They can also…

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Can I Whiten My Teeth While Pregnant Or Nursing?

Teeth whitening is a simple, safe procedure used to brighten teeth that have been stained by external agents. In general, whitening is good for anyone who’d like to spruce up their smile. However, if you are under 18 or if you are pregnant or nursing, whitening is not recommended. How Whitening Works A teeth whitening…

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How is a Tooth Prepared for a Dental Crown?

Before a tooth can be treated with a dental crown, it must be prepared so there is room. Crowns are too large to sit on top of your tooth without having the tooth reshaped, so your dentist must remove a part of the tooth to make room. Preparing for a Crown Crowns are custom-made to…

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How Often Should I Have My Teeth Professionally Cleaned?

Regular brushing and flossing at home are important to keep your teeth and gums healthy, but regular visits to the dentist are also vital. Having your teeth examined and professionally cleaned helps ensure any problems are discovered, diagnosed, and treated promptly, before they develop into major issues. It’s recommended that you have your teeth professionally…

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Teeth Bleaching: Is it Suitable for Kids under 18?

Teeth bleaching, or teeth whitening, is a procedure performed by a cosmetic dentist that can remove stains from the surfaces of your teeth, restoring your bright, white smile. This type of treatment is safe and effective, but is not generally recommended for children under eighteen years old. How Teeth Bleaching Works Teeth whitening uses a…

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What Can I Expect to Happen to My Teeth and Gums as I Get Older?

As with the rest of our bodies, our teeth and gums experience change as we age. Teeth suffer wear and tear, while gums can recede due to inflammation or gum disease. These changes can be slowed or even prevented with proper dental care. Wear and Tear of the Teeth Teeth experience high levels of pressure…

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What is the Lifespan of a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are a popular treatment to replace missing teeth. A dental implant is natural looking and long lasting. In fact, once you have had implants placed, they can last you a lifetime. Deciding on Dental Implants If you have missing teeth, having them replaced can help preserve the alignment of the rest of your…

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Sedation Dentistry: What are the Benefits?

Sedation dentistry offers patients the opportunity to relax completely during dental work. If you normally experience anxiety when you visit the dentist, sedation can help you overcome your discomfort and ensure your teeth receive proper care. How Sedation Dentistry Works With sedation dentistry, you receive a mild sedative either in pill form or by breathing…

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Why Would I Need a Porcelain Crown?

Crowns are a type of restoration usually used for severely damaged teeth or teeth that have undergone a root canal procedure. In the past, if a tooth needed a crown it was usually covered with a metal restoration. Today, you can opt for a porcelain crown if you choose. Porcelain vs. Metal Crowns Although metal…

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Tips for Correctly Flossing Your Teeth

Regular flossing is one of the most important cleaning and maintenance tools in dentistry. Flossing your teeth every day keeps fragments of food from between the teeth. It also helps massage your gums, making sure there is adequate blood flow to the tissues. Proper Flossing Technique Your dentist can help you perfect your flossing technique…

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Veneers vs. Teeth Whitening

If you have severely discolored teeth that have not responded to teeth whitening treatment, veneers might be a good choice to restore your teeth to their original color. This cosmetic treatment is relatively non-invasive, and can produce excellent results for teeth suffering from certain types of staining and some forms of damage. What Veneers Can…

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Which Teeth Are Suitable for Whitening?

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular ways to spruce up your smile. However, it isn’t appropriate for all your teeth, or for all forms of discoloration. Whitening can provide dramatic results, but for the best results, you should ensure you’re treating teeth that are likely to respond well to the process. Most Suitable…

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Gingivitis and Your Overall Health

Gingivitis is a relatively minor form of gum disease, but it can indicate problems that, if left untreated, can lead to serious issues. These issues can affect not only your dental health, but your overall health. If your dentist discovers gingivitis during a routine appointment, or if you see symptoms of developing gum disease, you…

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Feeling Self Conscious About Your Smile?

If there is anything irregular about your smile, it might make you self-conscious. If you’re uncomfortable about the way your teeth look, it could affect how you interact with people. It could even prevent you from making a good first impression with a prospective employer or in social situations. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist has a…

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How Long Do White Fillings Last?

Dental fillings are a common type of dental restoration, used to fill in empty spaces after cavities have been removed. Traditionally, fillings are made of a metal amalgam, but in the last few years tooth-colored or white fillings have become more popular. They provide several advantages over amalgam but also some disadvantages. One disadvantages is…

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Benefits of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can be used in various situations to repair damaged teeth. They are most common used when a tooth is severely cracked or when it has been treated with a root canal procedure. They are also used to anchor bridges to replace missing teeth. How a Crown is Placed A crown is custom-made to…

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Discomfort at the Dentist is a Thing of the Past

One of the most important changes in dental care for many people is the growth of sedation dentistry. People who have a phobia about going to the dentist can now have their teeth repaired and tended to without tension or stress. With a few simple change to the dentist’s routine, you can have your dental…

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How Do I Keep My Toothbrush Clean?

Aside from your dentist, your toothbrush is the most important tool you have to keep your teeth healthy and free of decay. It also helps prevent gum disease and stimulates the gum tissue to ensure healthy circulation. However, if you don’t keep your toothbrush clean and in good repair, you can seriously reduce its effectiveness…

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Dental Health for Seniors

As you grow older, it’s important to maintain your dental health. Making sure your teeth and mouth are healthy makes it more likely that you will keep your teeth well into your old age, but dentistry studies also show that it helps prevent other problems such as cardiovascular disease. If your teeth remain healthy, you’ll…

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Preparing for Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants are a popular choice to replace missing teeth. They create a natural look, so your new teeth are indistinguishable from your natural teeth. In addition, an implant has a root portion that is set directly into the jawbone. The root portion helps keep the tooth stationary and also helps keep the jawbone from…

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How Careful Must I Be with My New Veneers?

Cosmetic veneers are a common treatment for several different issues with the surfaces of the front teeth. Made of porcelain, they restore your teeth to a natural look and color, covering surface damage or severe discoloration. Caring for Your Veneers Veneers are made out of porcelain and are very thin. Before they are placed on…

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Why is Fluoride So Important to Dental Health?

Since childhood, we have all heard how important fluoride is in keeping our teeth healthy and strong and in preventing decay. However, many of us haven’t been told exactly why this mineral is so important to dental health. In addition to helping a child’s teeth develop, fluoride also helps keep our adult teeth from developing…

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Do Whitening Toothpastes Work?

Discoloration or staining on the surfaces of the teeth is one of the most common issues addressed by cosmetic dentists. Many people choose a teeth whitening toothpaste to help reduce the appearance of stains. However, are these toothpastes really effective? In general, they can be helpful, but will not provide the dramatic results of in-office…

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Financing Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry can help you take great strides toward feeling comfortable about your appearance. Some people, though, are hesitant to take this step due to concerns about how to pay for the necessary work. Some cosmetic procedures might be covered by your existing dental plan. For dental work your plan doesn’t cover, there are several…

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Can Crowns Improve the Appearance of Natural Teeth?

Dental crowns are most often used to repair broken or severely damaged teeth. However, they can also be used for cosmetic reasons to improve the look of heavily discolored teeth or teeth that are misshapen or asymmetrical. The type of treatment used depends entirely upon your individual circumstances and goals. Uses for Dental Crowns Treatment…

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Types of Mouthguards

Mouthguards can be an important tool for your dentist to help correct numerous issues. Mouthguards are most often used to protect the teeth during sports activities, but they can also be used to prevent teeth grinding, which can lead to long-term damage or eventual misalignment. Sports Mouthguards Mouthguards are important for athletes, whether they are…

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Knock Out Tooth Pain with Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is an approach to dental work that helps reduce or even eliminate any anxiety or discomfort you might feel at the dentist’s office. People who have had unpleasant experiences with the dentist often suffer from extreme anxiety, sometimes even when they’re just going for a routine cleaning. Sedation can help you visit the…

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Common Causes of Toothaches

Toothaches are one of the most common problems in dentistry. They can result from numerous causes. Some toothaches are easily treated, while others indicate serious conditions that require complex treatment. You should be aware of the various causes of toothache so you’ll know when it is best to visit your dentist for immediate treatment. Causes…

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Are Porcelain Veneers Permanent?

Porcelain veneers are a versatile treatment that can be used in many different ways in cosmetic dentistry. They can cover minor surface damage on the teeth or severe discoloration, and can even be used to correct small gaps between the teeth. They are long-lasting, and can keep your smile bright and perfect for many years…

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Should You Save a Broken Tooth or Get a Dental Implant?

If you have a tooth that has been severely injured or broken, you have options as far as what kind of treatment to pursue. One option might be a root canal and a crown that can save the broken tooth. Dental implants offer another choice if the tooth is damaged enough that it must be…

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Cosmetic Dentistry: A Great Option for Those Who Want to Improve Their Smile

If you are unhappy with the way your teeth look, a visit to your cosmetic dentist can be the first step toward finally experiencing self-confidence about your smile. Several cosmetic dentistry procedures, either administered on their own or in combination with other appropriate procedures, can dramatically improve your teeth and give you the look you’ve…

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Who Can Benefit From Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a common cosmetic procedure that can correct the look of stained teeth in a single office visit. Almost anyone with staining or discoloration to the surfaces of their front teeth can benefit from the procedure. Some types of staining, however, do not respond to whitening treatment. How Teeth Whitening Works Teeth whitening…

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Beware of an Acidic Diet

The types of food you eat can have a profound effect on your dental health. Most people know that sugary and sticky foods can cause cavities and other oral health problems, but the role of acidic foods in your oral health is not as well known. To keep your teeth strong and healthy, it’s important…

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How is a Replacement Crown Prepared and Made?

Crowns are dental restorations used to repair broken teeth or teeth that have been treated with a root canal procedure. A crown is custom-made to match your natural tooth color and the shape of your original tooth. The crown is placed in a two-stage process, with a temporary crown placed first. Having a Crown Placed…

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How do Cavities Form?

Cavities form when bacteria create an acidic substance called plaque that sticks to your teeth. If the plaque is not removed, the acid eats through the enamel of your teeth, creating a hole. These holes are known as dental caries, or cavities. They must be repaired with fillings or other types of restorations. Severe decay…

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I’m Afraid of Needles—Can I Still Take Advantage of Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a great alternative for those who are anxious when they visit the dentist. Using a mild sedation, your dentist will help you reach a completely relaxed state during your visit. Most sedation dentists use oral sedation or nitrous oxide, so even if you’re not comfortable with needles you can experience a comfortable,…

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The Dentist’s Office: Then and Now

Over the last twenty years, your average dentist downtown has changed a great deal. The dentist’s office is a much more welcoming, relaxed place where you can enjoy a comfortable visit. Your dentist can help you overcome any anxiety you might have and ensure your visit is stress-free. Today’s Dental Office Today’s dental office includes…

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Why Choose a Veneer Instead of a Replacement Crown?

In the past, dental crowns have been the standard treatment for various cosmetic problems as well as to repair some types of tooth damage. However, veneers are often a less invasive and more effective treatment. Under many circumstances, you can avoid the invasive restructuring of your teeth and restore the look of your smile with…

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Keeping Teeth Healthy During Pregnancy

Dentistry is one of many health issues you must pay careful attention to while you are pregnant. During pregnancy, the hormonal changes in your body can leave you more vulnerable to cavities and gum disease. Diligent oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist can help you protect your teeth as well as your overall…

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What is the Difference Between Tooth Erosion and Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay is one of the first things discussed when we talk about dental health. However, other problems can also develop with your teeth. One of these is tooth erosion. Tooth decay and tooth erosion are similar problems, but tooth erosion can cause more extensive damage. How is Tooth Erosion Different from Tooth Decay? Tooth…

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Will My Whitened Teeth Retain Their New Color?

Over time, your teeth can become stained or discolored from everyday exposure to beverages, foods, and other substances like nicotine. Teeth whitening is a simple, relatively inexpensive and popular way to revitalize your smile. Your new, whiter look can last for a long time if you are careful to avoid staining agents in the future.…

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Dental Implants vs. Traditional Dentures: Which is Right for You?

If you have missing teeth and wish to have them replaced, you’ll have to decide whether dental implants or dentures are the best choice. This decision is best made in conjunction with your dentist. Am I a Good Candidate for Implants? Determining if you are a good candidate for dental implants is the first step…

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Sedation Dentistry: Will I be “Unconscious?”

Sedation dentistry is a way of receiving dental care that can greatly reduce your stress and anxiety, especially if you suffer from a fear of the dentist. Being sedated allows you to relax while you are in the dental chair, so your visit goes quickly and you can have your teeth tended to stress-free. How…

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How Well Will I Be Able to Eat With a Replacement Crown?

Crowns are a type of restoration used to repair teeth that have been damaged by extensive decay, badly cracked, or that have been treated with a root canal procedure. They are also sometimes used to repair a tooth that has received a filling, but requires additional restoration work, such as repairing a crack in the…

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Most Common Causes of Intrinsic Tooth Discoloration

Tooth discoloration can lead to extreme self-consciousness about the look of your smile. If you have discolored teeth, teeth whitening administered by a cosmetic dentist can help restore the look of your smile. However, the effectiveness of teeth whitening can depend upon the type of discoloration affecting your teeth. Types of Tooth Discoloration There are…

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A Healthy Mouth is a Gateway to a Healthy Body

Keeping your mouth healthy helps prevent not only dental problems, but also some systemic illnesses that can affect your whole body. In much the same way as proper nutrition and overall health can help you maintain good dental health, keeping your teeth and mouth clean and healthy can help keep your body in good shape.…

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How Can I Improve My Smile?

A crooked, misaligned, or discolored smile can make you uncomfortable about your appearance. A visit to a cosmetic dentist for a smile makeover can make a world of difference, giving you the perfect smile you’ve always dreamed of. What Is a Smile Makeover? A smile makeover is a combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures designed to…

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Bad Breath: Could a Rotting Tooth be the Cause?

Bad breath is a common problem. It is often not a serious issue, but it can be annoying and erode your self-confidence. In some cases, it can be a sign of a problem with your dental health, such as severe decay or infection in your teeth. Causes of Bad Breath Bad breath, also called halitosis,…

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Why do I Have a Dark Spot on my Tooth?

A dark spot on the tooth might be concerning, but it isn’t necessarily serious. It could be anything from an injury to the tooth to a cavity to simply an area of discoloration. If you see a dark spot or a discolored area on your tooth and are concerned about it, consult with your dentist…

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When is a Crown Necessary?

Crowns are a common treatment for various dental conditions. They are used less often now than they were in the past, due to the growing popularity of dental veneers, but are still a common treatment for restorative and cosmetic purposes. Your dentist can help you decide if you need a crown based on your individual…

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A Rise in Cavities among Toddlers

Cavities in toddlers can create serious problems, and are one of the rising occurrences in today’s dentistry. Decay in young children can lead to major issues with the permanent teeth, including severe misalignment and impacted teeth. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep your child from experiencing extensive tooth decay. Causes of Tooth Decay in…

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Harmful Effects of Soda on Teeth

Most people drink soda on a regular basis without considering the possible effects it has on their teeth. However, soda can cause damage to the enamel. In addition, the high concentration of sugar in regular soda increases the risk of tooth decay. To find out more about the effects of soda on your teeth, consult…

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Smoking and Your Dental Health

It is well understood that smoking is bad for your health. It causes heart disease, lung cancer, and respiratory illnesses such as emphysema. However, smoking is also bad for your dental health. If you are a smoker, you should discuss with your dentist to be sure you are taking the best care you can of…

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Why is Porcelain an Ideal Material to Use for Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are often used for cosmetic purposes. They can greatly improve the look of your teeth, covering problems like severe discoloration, pitting, cracking, and other issues. They are used in many cases where crowns were once the most common treatment, providing a less invasive alternative for minor cosmetic issues. Advantages of Porcelain Porcelain provides…

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Teeth Grinding: Causes and Cures

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxis, is a common dental condition that can cause long-term damage to your teeth as well as disturbing your alignment and leading to temporomandibular joint disorder. If you grind your teeth, you should consult with your dental provider to determine how to minimize the amount of damage done to your…

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Why Sticky Foods Can Harm Your Teeth

One of the most common treatments in dentistry is the repair or restoration of teeth that have experienced decay. This can range from placing a small filling to replace a minor cavity, to placing a crown on a severely damaged tooth, to removing and replacing the entire tooth or multiple teeth. With proper dental hygiene…

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Tooth Restorations: How Crowns Can Help

When teeth are damaged, heavily worn, or have suffered extreme decay, a restoration can give you a smile you can be proud of. An important treatment option used by cosmetic dentists to restore damaged teeth are dental crowns. They can give your teeth back their original shape, color, and overall look, restoring your appearance and…

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Lost Back Molars: Are Dental Implants an Option?

Losing teeth doesn’t have to be a lifelong frustration. Options for replacement are much more sophisticated now, and you can have your missing teeth replaced with dental implants that look and feel just like natural teeth. Implants can be used to replace any missing tooth, from front teeth to back molars. Loss of Back Molars…

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Why Flossing Is So Important

The most important and effective way to take care of your teeth is through regular brushing and flossing. These everyday activities keep your teeth clean and free of plaque and tartar that can cause decay. They also help keep your gums healthy and prevent the onset of gingivitis. Combined with regular dental visits, brushing and…

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How Can Teeth Whitening, Veneers and Bonding Enhance My Smile?

An unattractive or discolored smile can have a negative effect on your self-confidence. If you have chipped teeth, asymmetrical teeth, staining, cracks, pitting, or other relatively minor problems, a cosmetic dentist can restore your smile to its natural brilliance with teeth whitening, bonding, or veneers. Teeth Whitening and Veneers For stains or discoloration, teeth whitening…

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Oral Piercings: The Hidden Risks to Your Health

Oral piercings, including tongue and lip piercings, have become popular in recent years. However, many people who choose this form of body art are unaware of the long-term problems they can cause. Health problems have become more apparent to dentistry professionals who have seen countless oral piercings on patients. [pullquote]You are more likely to experience…

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What Are the Causes of Xerostomia (Dry Mouth)?

Xerostomia, or dry mouth, can occur due to several reasons, and can lead to numerous unpleasant side effects. If you experience dry mouth, your dentist can provide treatment that will help. There are also some at-home treatments that will help reduce your discomfort. Causes of Dry Mouth There are several causes of dry mouth, some…

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Enjoy Safety and Convenience with Digital X-Rays

Dental X-rays are a vital part of your regular dental exams. With X-rays, your dentist can diagnose a variety of issues before they become serious. For example, an X-ray can find a cavity while it is still very small so that it can be treated before major damage occurs to the tooth. Digital X-rays allow…

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How Can Crowded Teeth Be Improved?

Teeth can become crowded when there is not enough room in the mouth for them to move into a natural position. They can overlap each other or sit too far back or forward in your mouth. In some cases, crowding must be treated by an orthodontist, but in less severe cases, a cosmetic dentist can…

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Increase Your Quality of Life with Dental Implants

Missing teeth can adversely affect your quality of life not only by making it difficult to bite and chew but by causing you to be self-conscious about your appearance. Dental implants can make a dramatic difference in how you feel about yourself, especially if you are missing teeth. Advantages of Dental Implants Dental implants are…

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Causes of Tooth Wear

Wear and tear is a common cause of damage to your teeth, especially as you get older. While some wear and tear is inevitable, you can take precautions to reduce the long-term damage it can cause. Regular dental visits will also help keep your teeth healthy and strong. [pullquote]You can also cause wear to your…

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Will Teeth Whitening Cause Tooth Sensitivity

Teeth whitening procedures are a common method to restoring the natural brightness of a person’s smile that otherwise has become dull; perhaps through drinking dark liquids, such as tea or coffee, or smoking tobacco. Teeth whitening can be done using special kits that can be bought over the counter; however, these over-the-counter home kits often…

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Long-term Effects of Plaque Build Up

Although your teeth may appear clean, the fact is they are always subject to a substance known as plaque. Plaque is a thin, sticky coating which adheres to tooth enamel, causing tooth decay and gum disease, if left untreated. Today’s toothpastes and mouthwash solutions are effective in reducing the effects of plaque, and also help…

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The Role Nutrition Plays in Maintaining Healthy Teeth

Everyone knows the importance of proper nutrition and a good diet when it comes to maintaining physical health. However, the same level of thinking can also help with our dental health, and having good nutritional and eating habits will contribute to healthy teeth and gums. A good, balanced diet can help to boost and maintain…

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A Smile Makeover: Are Veneers My Only Option?

A dental veneer, sometimes called a porcelain veneer, is one method of improving the appearance of a patient’s smile. A veneer consists of a custom-made shell that is bonded to the front of the tooth, covering it. The shell is color-matched to the surrounding teeth, so it appears natural. The shell itself is usually made…

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Healthy Dental Habits to Follow

Having good oral hygiene habits can help prevent tooth decay, tooth loss, and ensure that you keep a bright and healthy smile. Developing and maintaining good dental habits at home will even do more for your smile than routine visits to the dentist. The first healthy dental habit you should follow is brushing your teeth…

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Custom Night Guards to Treat Bruxism

Bruxism is a term that describes grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaw, usually during sleep. While almost every person grinds their teeth minimally during sleep, severe bruxism can lead to long-term problems, including breaking teeth, tooth loss, receding gum lines, or the development of bony ridges in the mouth. Your dentist can…

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Is Teeth Whitening Safe?

Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures available. It is also one of the simplest and safest. Teeth whitening can provide dramatic results, giving you increased self confidence and a smile you can be proud of. How Teeth Whitening Works Teeth whitening is performed by a cosmetic dentist in the office,…

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Dental Bonding to Fill in the Gap

Even an otherwise perfect smile can be marred by spaces between the teeth. Sometimes spaces should be treated with orthodontics to move the teeth into the proper place. In other cases, however, the spaces can be filled with cosmetic dentistry treatments. Our cosmetic dentist can help you determine the best type of treatment to correct…

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Bruxism and TMJ Disorder: What is the Difference?

Bruxism, or tooth grinding and clenching, and TMJ disorder can be related, but they are not the same thing. If you grind your teeth, it could be because you have TMJ disorder, or it could be the cause of your TMJ disorder. In other cases, bruxism occurs separately from TMJ problems. Our dentist can determine…

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Sedation Dentistry: Will I Feel Groggy After Treatment?

For those who feel nervous or anxious in the dentist’s chair, sedation dentistry can make it possible to overcome this anxiety and keep up with regular dental visits. Sedation dentistry is a safe, simple approach that allows you to spend your dental visit in a state of complete relaxation. [pullquote]Sedation dentistry uses a mild sedative…

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How Careful Must I Be With My New Veneers?

You’ve just rewarded yourself with a new smile makeover thanks to dental veneers. What is the best way to preserve that new smile? [pullquote]Porcelain veneers are strong enough that they actually offer protection to damaged teeth and durable enough to provide stability to treated teeth.[/pullquote] Veneers are a very thin shell usually made from porcelain that are…

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Dental Implants for Renewed Self Confidence and Peace of Mind

Over the past few years, more and more options for those with missing teeth have been introduced to dentistry. Where before the only options were dentures or bridges, now dental implants are becoming more and more popular. What Are Dental Implants? Dentures and bridges replace only the visible portion of your missing tooth or teeth.…

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Early Detection of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common problems that bring people to the dentist. In many cases, people wait until the tooth has become uncomfortable before they make an appointment. However, regular visits can help spot these issues earlier, allowing them to be treated promptly and effectively. Why Early Detection is Important One reason…

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Porcelain Veneers: Do they have to be applied to all teeth?

A smile makeover can provide a wonderful difference from your appearance today and you can achieve beautiful results after only a few visits to your cosmetic dentist. Teeth that are chipped, broken, stained or out of alignment are certainly good reasons to investigate porcelain veneers. But if you feel you only need to make changes…

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Solutions for a Great Smile Today

Flashing a great smile can change everything. People who are happy with the appearance of their smile tend to smile more often. It’s true that your smile can even improve the lives of those around you. When you are unhappy or not satisfied with your smile, you may tend to avoid smiling, or worse, conceal…

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Broaden Narrow Smiles With Veneers

A beautiful and attractive smile means more than simply having bright, white teeth. Many patients desire a smile that can brighten up their entire face as well as shine a little light on those around them. For patients whose smile is narrow or constricted, cosmetic dentistry can be used to produce a fuller and broader…

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What causes dulling and discoloration of teeth?

Dull or discolored teeth can be unattractive, adding unfair years to your appearance. There are many causes of tooth discoloration. Fortunately, there are also many available solutions to rejuvenate the teeth and your smile. Dr. Nicholas Kemp, your cosmetic dentist in Toronto, has the knowledge and resources to create a smile that also restores your…

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Tips for Relieving Dental Anxiety

If you have been dealing with dental anxiety, then you should know that there is help available for you. Millions of people each year suffer in silence from a condition that prevents them from seeking even the most minimal level of dental care. Often times, patients are too embarrassed to reveal their feelings, choosing instead…

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What is a “smile analysis”?

Your smile says so much about you. Your smile speaks volumes about your personality, your health, and your self-confidence. Many patients who are unhappy with their smiles are excited to learn about the many options that cosmetic dentistry in Toronto provides. Of course, before embarking on any journey, it is important to outline your starting…

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How Can I Benefit from a Smile Makeover?

One of the first things people notice about you is your smile. For this reason, the condition of your teeth can play a big role in the kind of first impression you make with others. If you are self-conscious about discolored, crooked, or misshapen teeth, Dr. Nicholas Kemp, your cosmetic dentist serving Yorkville, can consult…

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What Steps are Taken in Having a Veneer Made?

Porcelain veneers are custom made to fit your teeth exactly, and are also custom colored so that they match the surrounding teeth. These characteristics of veneers make them virtually indistinguishable from the surfaces of your untreated teeth. At Nicholas Kemp Dentistry, our team specializes in dental veneers in Yorkville, and takes special steps to be…

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Do Dental Implants Require Special Care?

Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth. They take the place not only of the visible portion of the tooth, but also the tooth root, providing a complete replacement that not only allows for a natural look and comfortable performance but also helps maintain the health of your jawbone. If you are considering…

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How Can I Tell If I Have Gingivitis or Periodontitis?

Gingivitis and periodontitis are different types of gum disease. Gingivitis is a relatively minor inflammation of the gums, while periodontitis generally refers to more advanced gum disease. Any symptoms of gum disease should be reported to your dentist right away. If you believe you might have gingivitis or periodontitis, Dr. Nicholas Kemp, your dentist serving…

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Treatment options to close spaces between teeth

There are many reasons why you might have spaces between your teeth. And for many years the traditional methods to eliminate unwanted spaces involved orthodontic care or time consuming cosmetic care. But thanks to dental veneers in Toronto, those gaps are quickly conquered in a couple of brief visits. Dental veneers are a thin shell-like…

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Amalgam vs. composite for fillings

For many years, there has been a battle raging within the dental community about the safety of amalgam for dental fillings. Your dentist in Toronto can supply you with the much needed information to make an educated decision on this matter. The question about the safety in amalgam is due to the mercury content in…

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Why is Porcelain an Ideal Material to use for Veneers?

Veneers are used to restore the appearance of teeth that have been chipped, cracked, pitted or that are severely discolored. For the best possible appearance after restoration, you will want your cosmetic dentist to use a material that approximates the look of your natural teeth. Porcelain is the best material for this purpose for several…

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Eat the foods you want with dental implants

Quite often when one or more teeth are lost due to trauma, disease, or are missing for any reason, the first thing that suffers is the way we are able to eat. Dr. Nicholas Kemp, your implant dentist serving Yorkville, can restore the ability to eat your favorite foods again. The inability to chew properly…

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Whiten Discolored Teeth With Veneers

Discolored teeth are one of the most common problems in cosmetic dentistry. Teeth can easily be discolored by food or beverages, or they can emerge discolored due to the actions of certain drugs or because of excessive exposure to fluoride. If you are looking for cosmetic dentistry in Yorkville, veneers might be just the right…

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Dental Implants: A great investment into your health

There are many things we can do to ensure our good health. One thing often overlooked when thinking of our overall health is our dental health. Some might feel that a missing tooth is no big deal, however a conversation with Dr. Nicholas Kemp, your Yorkville dental implant provider, can explain to you why that…

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Sedation dentistry: New injection-free anesthetic methods

One of the primary reasons people put off or totally avoid a visit to their dentist is fear.  Fear that because they have avoided going for so long, they will be faced with having to deal with a huge laundry list of dental maladies.  For those who have long feared their dental provider, we now…

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Treatment Options to Improve Smile Symmetry

An asymmetrical smile can detract from your overall appearance in the same way a missing, broken, or crooked tooth might. With modern treatment options, including dental veneers in Yorkville, our dentist can help your smile be the best it can be. How Can Veneers Help My Asymmetrical Smile? Cosmetic dentistry is a way to help…

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Purpose of a dental sealant

In the 1970’s the dental sealant was developed, approved by the FDA and accepted by dentists as an outstanding tool in the prevention of dental decay.  Dr. Nicholas Kemp, your dentist serving downtown Toronto, can apply dental sealants in a few brief moments giving your child years of protection from cavities. A dental sealant is…

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Dental Implants: Why Should I Replace a Missing Tooth?

A missing tooth is usually considered to be a cosmetic aberration or a slight inconvenience. One definitely does not associate it with a strongly diminished lifestyle or a serious health hazard. However, a missing tooth can be both. Many patients with missing teeth are turning to dental implants in Toronto for treatment. Missing teeth can…

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Why choose a veneer instead of a replacement crown

Chipped, pitted, cracked or severely discolored teeth can make an otherwise pleasant smile unattractive. In the past, dental crowns were used to cover teeth with problems like these. Today, however, veneers are used more often. If you are considering porcelain veneers in the Toronto area, here are some reasons why veneers are often a better…

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Impacted teeth: Causes and treatment

Any tooth that fails to emerge completely through gum tissue is referred to as impacted.  The most common teeth to become impacted are the third molars, more popularly referred to as wisdom teeth.  If your wisdom teeth are impacted, the best option for removing one or all of them is through the use of sedation…

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Dental Veneers: Am I a Candidate?

Dental veneers can be used to correct a wide range of cosmetic issues with the teeth. They are custom made to match not only the color of your teeth, but also the natural shape. When applied, they can improve the look of teeth that are chipped, pitted, cracked, discolored, slightly misaligned, and can even correct…

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Diet and tooth decay

There are many connections between tooth decay and one’s diet.  Dr. Nicholas Kemp, your dentist serving Yorkville, can advise the best ways to care for your teeth by maintaining good dental habits and eating a healthy diet.  After all, a well-balanced diet leads to maintaining a healthy body.  A healthy body will contribute to maintaining…

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How Durable are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are a versatile cosmetic dentistry treatment that can correct a wide variety of minor issues with your smile. Our dental office can help answer any of your questions about cosmetic dentistry in Toronto, including porcelain veneers and how they can help you regain your self-confidence. Strength of Porcelain Veneers Porcelain veneers are very…

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What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding is a procedure in which a durable plastic material is applied to one or more teeth in an effort to restore or improve a person’s smile.  A visit to your cosmetic dentist in Yorkville can provide you the opportunity to once again enjoy the confidence and joy a new smile will bring. Dental…

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Teeth whitening to correct stained teeth

Of all the things you can do to improve your appearance, whitening and brightening your smile is probably the most noticeable.  And teeth whitening in our Toronto office has never been easier! There are many reasons why teeth become stained.  The stains that appear on the surface of the teeth can be due to consuming…

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Taking the edge off with sedation dentistry

There are many reasons why patients choose sedation dentistry in Toronto.  Patients that have a fear of dentists in general often will put off even the most minimal care required to maintain healthy teeth and gums.  And avoiding those trips to your dentist twice a year for cleaning and a thorough dental exam can lead…

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Porcelain veneers: What are the benefits?

Porcelain veneers are quite versatile. The thin shells fit over the natural tooth and can be used to correct a number of issues with the teeth, ranging from stains to misalignment to gaps. Yorkville veneers patients realize a number of benefits when they choose this treatment to address their cosmetic concerns. First and foremost, veneers…

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Halitosis: Prevention and treatment

Everyone experiences having bad breath at times, and the reasons can be many and varied.  What we eat or drink, how we maintain our teeth and gums, and regular visits your Toronto dentistry provider can make the difference between having a sweet or sour breath. Halitosis is defined as a frequently occurring oral condition commonly…

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Smile confidently with veneers

Do you reflexively raise your hand to cover your teeth every time you smile? Do you only smile halfway to hide your pearly whites? If you are dissatisfied with some aspect of your smile’s appearance, you may want to consider dental veneers in Toronto to address your concerns. Dr. Nicholas Kemp, can use veneers to…

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Root Canal Therapy: Common Questions and Answers

Root canal therapy is one of the most misunderstood procedures in dentistry. Most people become very uncomfortable and anxious if they must undergo a root canal. In truth, the root canal procedure is routine, and rarely causes more discomfort than a filling or crown. Dr. Nicholas Kemp, a dentist in Yorkville, can explain the ins…

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Cosmetic Dentistry: What is a Smile Makeover?

With cosmetic dentistry, anyone can have a perfect smile. If you are self-conscious about crooked, discolored or misshapen teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help. If you have several concerns about the look of your smile, a smile makeover might be the answer. What is a Smile Makeover? Some people who visit a cosmetic dentist only have…

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The First Signs of Gingivitis

Gingivitis is an early form of gum disease that leads to inflammation of the gums, also known as gingival tissues. Gingivitis can be an indication that there is a problem with overall oral hygiene, and can lead to more serious gum disease, as well as eventual tooth loss. Our Yorkville dental experts can evaluate your…

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Does Teeth Whitening Work for Everyone?

Teeth whitening is a popular form of cosmetic dentistry in which the surface of the teeth is bleached with a special whitening agent. Dr. Nicholas Kemp, a cosmetic dentist serving Toronto, can evaluate any discoloration you might have on your teeth and let you know if teeth whitening might be the answer to give you…

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Treating Dental Anxiety

Dental phobia is a powerful roadblock for millions of patients who are in need of regular and emergency dental care. Unfortunately, by avoiding necessary dental treatment, many patients suffer negative impacts to their overall health. Failure to seek appropriate dental care and mounting dental problems can also lead to insecurity in social situations. Dissatisfaction with…

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Harmful dental habits to avoid

Your teeth are designed to withstand quite a bit of pressure. The amount of force generated during normal chewing and biting can be extreme. Your gums, bone, enamel, and dental pulp (nerve) are all designed to absorb a certain amount of force, but only while preforming highly specialized functions. For this reason, unnatural forces and…

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Dental Crowns: Purpose and Procedure

When there is a small cavity or void in the enamel, a filling is used to plug and seal the hole in the tooth. The filling can stop the cavity from spreading and can provide a limited level of stability to the tooth. There are some instances when a tooth requires a restoration larger or…

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Cosmetic Dentistry: What is a Smile Makeover?

With cosmetic dentistry, anyone can have a perfect smile. If you are self-conscious about crooked, discolored or misshapen teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help. If you have several concerns about the look of your smile, a smile makeover might be the answer. What is a Smile Makeover? Some people who visit a cosmetic dentist only have…

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Digital X-Ray Technology: What are the Benefits?

X-rays are a vital diagnostic tool in the field of dentistry. Like many dental procedures, though, the way X-rays are produced is changing due to advanced digital technology. What are Digital X-Rays? In traditional X-rays, a special form of light is used to create an image on film that must be developed. Dentists keep these…

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Dental Implants: The Ideal Tooth Replacement Solution

Tooth loss is not inevitable, but it is quite common. At some point in our lives, most of us will be faced with the decision of what to do about a missing tooth, whether the tooth has been lost due to injury, trauma, decay, or long-term wear and tear. Many people choose to have dental…

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Sedation dentistry: Now you can relax in the dentist’s chair

Patients who avoid the dentist’s office out of fear or discomfort now can take advantage of sedation dentistry in Toronto to get the oral health care they need. Sedation dentistry makes the experience a comfortable one. Dentists can use sedative drugs, like benzodiazepines, to relax their jittery patients. Those drugs can be delivered through an…

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An introduction to cosmetic dentistry

If you’re dissatisfied with your smile’s appearance, you may be able to turn to cosmetic dentistry to improve its look. A cosmetic dentist can use a number of strategies to improve your smile. Techniques such as teeth whitening, porcelain veneers and tissue resculpting can address a variety of problems that have a negative effect on…

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The Importance of Preventive Dental Care

Our Toronto dentistry practice provides a variety of services for patients, ranging from routine care to complex restorations and other procedures.  Patients who regularly schedule appointments for preventive care may be able to avoid those more complex procedures, in addition to ensuring that they continue to have good oral health. Dental cleanings every six months,…

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Enjoy a brighter smile with tooth whitening

As people age, their teeth grow yellow because the enamel becomes thinner and the dentin beneath becomes more visible. The teeth accumulate stains over time, as well. Fortunately, this condition can be reversed thanks to modern teeth whitening treatments, which are extremely popular. An increasing number of Toronto patients are requesting teeth whitening at their…

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Tips for dealing with dental emergencies

It’s 11:00 on a Saturday night and you’ve just broken a tooth on your late-night snack. What do you do? These tips will give you guidance on how to proceed in the case of a dental emergency. 1. Save the tooth: If your tooth gets knocked out or if you’ve chipped or broken it, be…

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Veneers: the beautiful, natural smile you’ve always wanted

Many patients consult with a cosmetic dentist to fix flaws in the smile, such as noticeable gaps or chipped or discolored teeth.  Some opt for a complete smile makeover, while others choose a quicker fix. If you’re dissatisfied with your smile’s appearance but don’t have the patience for a lengthy treatment process, dental veneers may…

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General dentistry: Common questions and answers

Patients bring up a variety of oral health topics when they’re in the dentist’s chair. Here are some questions that are often asked of Dr. Nicholas Kemp, a dentist in Toronto. Q: Why do I have to schedule check-ups and cleanings every six months? Plaque can build up in the mouth rather quickly, and having…

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