With cosmetic dentistry, anyone can have a perfect smile. If you are self-conscious about crooked, discolored or misshapen teeth, cosmetic dentistry can help. If you have several concerns about the look of your smile, a smile makeover might be the answer.

What is a Smile Makeover?

Some people who visit a cosmetic dentist only have one or two small issues with their smile that they would like to see changed. Others, though, have a variety of issues that require several procedures. A combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures meant to remake and perfect your smile is known as a smile makeover.

Smile makeovers can include:

•Teeth whitening
•Orthodontic procedures such as Invisalign
•Porcelain veneers
•Inlays or onlays
•Gum recontouring

Smile makeovers can improve the look of discolored, chipped, cracked, misaligned or misshapen teeth. They can also help improve the look of a “gummy” smile or correct small gaps between the teeth. If you decide to have a smile makeover, be sure to list all the things you’d like to see changed about your smile so that your cosmetic dentist can give you a good idea of how you will be able to achieve these goals.

Planning a Smile Makeover

A smile makeover is planned according to your exact needs and goals. Dr. Nicholas Kemp, a cosmetic dentist serving Yorkville, will sit down with you for a consultation to determine exactly what you want your smile to look like after your makeover. Based on your goals, he will suggest specific procedures that will improve your smile.

One advantage of a smile makeover is that often more than one procedure can be performed in a single office visit. This will reduce the amount of time you must spend in the dentist’s chair, as well as reducing the amount of time it will take for you to see the results of your makeover. Depending upon what kind of work you choose to have done, you could see vast improvements in your smile after only one or two visits.

To schedule a consultation with our cosmetic dentist serving Toronto, or to find out more about smile makeovers, please call our office today.