Sedation dentistry offers patients the opportunity to relax completely during dental work. If you normally experience anxiety when you visit the dentist, sedation can help you overcome your discomfort and ensure your teeth receive proper care.

How Sedation Dentistry Works

With sedation dentistry, you receive a mild sedative either in pill form or by breathing nitrous oxide (laughing gas) while your dental work is being done. If you are having restorations such as fillings or crowns placed, you’ll also receive local anesthetic. This combination of sedation and anesthetic ensures you will remain comfortable and relaxed.

Sedation does not mean you will be unconscious. You will remain aware and able to respond to questions and instructions from your dentist. At the same time, you might feel as if you are in a dreamlike state, and as if time is passing more quickly than normal. If you receive sedation during your dental visit, you might want to arrange to have someone drive you home from your appointment. This is less likely to be a problem with nitrous oxide, but it is a good idea to take precautions if you do not know how you will respond to the sedative.

Advantages of Sedation Dentistry

The biggest advantage to sedation dentistry is that you will be completely relaxed and comfortable. If you have experienced dental anxiety in the past, you may find yourself losing this feeling.

One of the side effects of dental anxiety is, of course, avoiding the dentist. If you do not see the dentist on a regular basis, you could have many issues that need to be addressed the next time you do find yourself in the dentist’s chair. With sedation dentistry, your dentist can complete more work in a single visit, since you will be relaxed and calm. Also, due to the side effects of sedation, even if you are in the chair for a long time, it will seem to pass very quickly.

If you are behind on your dental work or suffer from dental anxiety, please contact our office at 416-922-1012 to find out how we can help you with sedation dentistry.